WARNING: this website contains a lot of images and should not be loaded over a cellular network
It's also not 100% mobile optimized so please view on desktop if you are able! ^.^


  • Added side ponies (desktop only)
  • Released Oct 11 2023


  • Re-vamped video lounge
  • Re-sized some bits and bobs
  • Added unnecessary hover titles to things
  • Released July 29 2023


  • Added some toggle buttons to sidebar, including the pony parade. It is off by default for your computer's sake.
  • Cursor emoji trail
  • Added blog
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Released April 22 2023


  • Added a sidebar!
  • Pony pride parade!
  • Swapped out the music player for one with less bugs
  • Released April 21 2023


  • Fixed some dead links. Wait, there were dead links? Ahh, eto... Bleh!
  • Minor tweaks and bug fixes
  • Released April 4 2023


  • Header and footer are now their own files! This won't change anything for visitors, which is boring, but it made it possible for me to add...
  • Navbar links are now cute little buttons
  • Released Feb 21 2023


  • Recoded the entire website from scratch! What is wrong with me??
  • Lots of garbage/spaghetti code removed
  • And by that I mean fuck you nicepage
  • Literally this update was fueled entirely by spite for my WYSIWYG editor
  • I am not paying for a pro license just to use custom fonts
  • I literally recoded this entire website from scratch just so I wouldn't have to use their stupid editor ever again
  • Oh yeah onto actual new features (although I tried to keep it v similar to the original)
  • Added a proper navbar
  • Added Video Lounge, ChickenSmoothie, and Guestbook pages
  • Added stamps in footer
  • Added fun stuff to bottom of homepage (pony trivia, cyberpet of the day, and other sites!)
  • Added music player at bottom
  • Released Feb 3 2023


  • Some much-needed backend overhauling, this update is mostly for my sanity and doesn't change much for visitors
  • Images names much more organized
  • Added sub-directories for better site organization.
  • New fun things coming soon.... stay tuned!
  • Released Oct 13 2022


  • Added Penelope's page
  • Added nav links to homepage
  • Organized Credits Page better
  • Overhauled the Neopets Section
  • Added a few more ponies and resized some sprites.
  • Fixed some broken links across the site. Oopsie daisies!
  • Released July 30 2022


  • Ponies have overrun the homepage
  • Official International Guild of Gay Webmasters Badge issued and placed on front page
  • Some other new and fun graphics have appeared!
  • Text graphics by cooltext.com
  • Released July 25 2022


  • Art Timeline, Credits, Homepage, and Music are all mobile friendly now.
  • Fixed an issue with 2012 on the Art Timeline
  • Added a "patch notes" section (which you are currently looking at) It should be mobile friendly, too.
  • Fixed a spacing issue on the Credits page
  • Released Jun 11 2022


  • Added 3 new pieces from 2018 and 7 new pieces from 2021 to Art Timeline
  • Fixed an issue with 2021 on the Art Timeline
  • Fixed an issue with 2013 on the Art Timeline
  • Released Jun 10 2022


  • Art Timeline, Music, and Neopets petpages uploaded
  • SSL certificate issued
  • Credits page added
  • Released May 30 2022